Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Eyeball Tattoos

It seems that in the world of tattooing, we have not yet reached the final frontier. Just when you thought that we had discovered everywhere you could possibly tattoo someone, here they come and hit us with eyeball tattoos.

Corneal tattooing has been used for patients who have suffered an eye trauma, to cover a scar or to help people with leucoma. But there are now patients asking for elective corneal tattooing. Three people were chronicled on their search to tattoo their eyes blue. Not their irises. Not their pupils. If I'm not mistaken, the cornea is the white part of the eye. Can you imagine? I mean, to each their own, and if they get their kicks walking around looking like they're going to shoot lasers out of their eyes, then more power to them (have I watched too many episodes of Charmed? Perhaps...). But wow, I don't think I could do that.

I'm hesitant even to consider Lasik surgery. It would be great to not have to mess with contacts or glasses, but just the prospect of having my eye open and seeing a big sharp knife coming at it is enough to freak me out. My eyes aren't bad enough yet for that. But to do it without having some kind of optical enhancement in vision, no thank you. And considering all the potential problems, I think I'll hold off on getting my eyes tattooed for now.


mielikki said...

Just. Ouch. If they are so keen to see blue, they should just take viagra.
Can you imagine, when they are grandparents, eventually, the fear the grandkids will have?
"No! Don't make us go see grandma laser! No!"

The Lethological Gourmet said...

LMAO. That's priceless, mielikki. Hadn't even thought about that...but never mind grandkids, imagine if they're just walking down the street how many poor little children they'd give nightmares if they do so much as look at them.

mielikki said...

and, some of them may also sport those lovely split tongues, and multiple piercings. . .
"You lied Mommy! there are MONSTERS!"

The Lethological Gourmet said...

Ooh, I've seen pictures of people with split tongues, it's really freaky. I can bet you if little 8yo me ran across someone with blue eyes, a split tongue, and piercings and tattoos all over, I'd have nightmares for days!! You can bet those kids have all the lights on when they go to sleep...